Jan 19, 2023Liked by Camron Adibi


Some say a higher power is found in nature.

A higher power is something greater than myself, or greater than my ego small minded self.

When I walk in the woods, I feel expansion as I commune with tall trees and the infinite manifestations of beauty, of life.

When I observe an animal who I see as closer to nature than myself, more natural, I can likewise stand in awe and wonder, connecting to the sublime beauty. I can learn.

What a marvelous school you have created! What a gentle and powerful program! How lucky is any person young or old who gets these experiences! Priceless! Transformative. Kudos!

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I am the lucky one

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Camron Adibi

This is what teaching can be! Generating that spark of curiosity (keeping the student safe), then stepping aside to allow a student the chance to explore at his own pace. This student is developing confidence through learning, creating bonds with a special equine friend, and making lasting memories. Kudos Cam!

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Tully the pony loves the kids. He is good at his job, like Chloe

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